Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Having just moderated an #addcym session on Twitter this evening, looking at how TeachMeets impact on Teaching and Learning, it only seems fitting that I share how a group of my amazing colleagues have taken the format (called it TeachEat) and used it to improve teaching and learning within our school. So....

What are they?

TeachEat meetings are informal get togethers where colleagues share ideas about teaching and learning.

When do they occur?

Every Wednesday lunchtime for 40 minutes. 

How does it work?

Sometimes we have a focus (plenaries, feedback, questioning) and sometimes it is more open ended. We informally decide the 'agenda' the week before and anyone can share anything they think others will benefit from knowing. The length of presentations depends very much on what we are covering, for example, next week every attendee has two minutes to share a lesson which they are really proud of.

We also have a group on Edmodo (which we covered in a TeachEat session) where we can share additional ideas/ resources. 

Who attends?

Anyone interested in becoming a better educator. So far there are about twelve regular attendees, however, word is spreading and interest is growing. 

What impact have they had?

Quite a substantial one, I would argue. Personally, I have taken lots of great ideas from our TeachEat sessions. Everything from 'effective questioning' to 'brilliant hooks' have been covered and duly embedded into my classroom. Furthermore, the TeachEat sessions have really inspired me to become a better educator - something I am really passionate about as I have previously written about here.

Finally, it is because of these TeachEat meetings that I want to take the next step and organise a TeachMeet for my LA. And thereafter? Who knows.......

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